Colette Gasperini- We who "put ourselves at risk". Always



"My teacher used to say: Dance gives so much when you give it to her"

She was always a part of my life. In so many different ways, dancing has accompanied my days, months, years, with an incessant rhythm. My teacher used to say, she gives you so much when you give to her. Nothing more true: it takes hours and hours of care and attention towards it, but in the end it repays you and when that flame is born, it no longer lets you go, lifts you up and gives you a hand even in the darkest situations. Many times I thought of leaving her, but she, punctual and silent, reappeared, making me feel a sweet nostalgia. In these dark, different days, locked in the house, I have had another confirmation: it is the dance my company, my greatest companion. I see how you fill my empty days unconditionally, from the bars attached to a furniture, to on line exercises for my students, to contests and promotions to carry on our dance shop.

It is important that we dance lovers see how it is part of our life, even if we dance in the kitchen or in the garden. Because now, dance is within us. And he won't leave us anymore.

Colette, owner of the Ballet Shop in Gambettola Cesena, our authorized dealer.

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